Saturday, May 28, 2011

What does America REALLY need?

UPDATE: As a reader points out in the comment thread of Dana Milbank, a Washington Post columnist, swore off writing about Ms. Sarah Palin for at least a month. The pledge went something like this:

“I hereby pledge that, beginning on Feb 1, 2011, I will not mention Sarah Palin – in print, online or on television – for one month. Furthermore, I call on others in the news media to join me in this pledge of a Palin-free February. With enough support, I believe we may even be able to extend the moratorium beyond one month, but we are up against a powerful compulsion, and we must take this struggle day by day."

FURTHER UPDATE: As astute readers know, February, 2011, has long passed us by and the drought-ridden hot summer awaits those of us on the plains. While the former half-term governor of Alaska is still the hottest item in every newscast and entertainment segment available on television or in magazines.

I know not how the pledge-maker of last February is doing. Seems not to matter if reports of the Star of the North (S.P.) continue fluffily and brazenly showing her as being possibly as smart as a fifth grader. It also shows an over-the-wall or up-the-wall shame-faced ignorance of those who picture her as what America needs.

At one time folks thought Mae West was what we needed and on and on.

At one time all America needed was a five-cent cigar.

Cigars have disappeared and Mae West is but a life preserver and some think America needs something.

MOST RECENT UPDATE: I will vote for having men and women dedicated to integrity, even if they are not running for some office.

My vote goes to the person who does a good job, if just flippin’ burgers or cleaning sewers, or trimming trees, and the good job, however unpleasant makes other folks life easier.

My vote goes to those who after doing a good job do not have to go on television and tell us how humbly grateful for what they did. They do it and sit down, not expecting a gold chain or medal.

One thing I find hard to do these days is to stop writing about S.P. for she is so full of stuff we never expect a person to learn. Like when she was blessed by her pastor to take out demons. All that talk about President Barack Obama’s former pastor and never a word about this Alaska preacher S.P. spent time with.

How Mark Twain and Will Rogers would have had a field day had they lived with the rest of us in this glorious 21st century. They would have us rollin’ in the aisles as they humored us along. Revealing to us once again there is a real world out there—somewhere.

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