Thursday, May 7, 2009


Last month, April 8 to be exact, I wote here about the murder of Herman Liu in Shanghai by the Japanese in 1938. He was president of the Hujiang Daxue (Shanghai University) begun by American Baptists, north and south in 1908. Betty Marcontell found the story via Goggle and added to the story. Her great uncle was one of the men who helped raise money for the project. She was able to visit the now state school and the building named for her ancestor, the Breaker Hall, recently (above photo Betty at entrance of Breaker Hall). She also shared a photo of the bust of Herman Liu that now stands on the campus. ()

Since all my documents and papers on Shanghai University had been sent to Dr. H. Stephen Gardner, economics professor at Baylor University, I put Betty in touch with him. He and others have been working closely with the Shanghai school and want to preserve the history.

So, thanks to Goggle, history keeps being brought together in the 21st century. We must not lose sight of the labors of those of the 19th and 20th centuries in China.


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