Thursday, February 26, 2009

An Abundant Life is a Choice

Thur., Feb. 26 Living An Abundant Life Is A Choice

Choose the life God offers so that you and your descendants may live a real, full life. (Deuteronomy 30:19)

The growth of humans is both gentle and tender, especially at the beginning. Physical growth is a subtle translation from infant, to child to near-adult to maturity. What we call a life-span is just a day-to-day experience of growing. Life is learning, working, resting and becoming more than we dreamed possible.

The spiritual life should develop the same way – weekly worship, scripture reading, memorize a verse a week, spend quite time for fellowship with God on a regular basis. Share your life with others in an encouraging way. The Spirit (which enables the "spiritual life") is the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ and a gift from a loving God.

A full life is a journey of faith, selflessness, and love, moment by moment.

Grant to us Lord a growing, expanding faith, so our graduation day we can say "It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus." A-men

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