Monday, January 12, 2009


One of the most disturbing wars in history is the one that began with the British protectorate rule over Palestine. Begun in the 1920s, the "Holy Land" war continues between the Arabs and the Jews to this day. With such tremendous hatred for one another, will a solution ever be found?

While teaching at Houston Baptist University 30 years ago I invited an Israeli diplomat to my class. One of the students was the son of missionaries to the city of Nazareth. In the course of Q and A, the student asked about Palestine refugees. The diplomat immediately told my student there was no such place as Palestine.

The student responded: "Well, sir, I was born there." This is but another of the extreme examples of the contempt the modern nation of Israel holds for the original inhabitants of a little strip of land on the western shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

The Israelis of today claim the land first belonged to them. Back, even before pre-recorded history, a man named Abraham, called "the father of the Jews," immigrated from modern-day Iraq to Palestine's land of the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites and numbers of unknown (to us) tribes.

Around 500 years before Christ, the Israel Kingdom was destroyed. The area has been ruled since by everybody and their cousins.

An attempt to find a homeland for the dispersed Jews of the world began in the late 19th century in Europe. Theodore Herzl is considered the founder of what has come to be known as Zionism. It did not catch on until the British took control of Palestine.

"Zionism is a movement for the restoration of a Jewish national state in Palestine. After the state of Israel was proclaimed in 1948, Zionism became largely a movement to obtain aid for Israel's development." (New Standard Encyclopedia, Volume 19)

Herzl wanted to establish a Jewish state free of anti-Semitism. His movement began to jell in 1918 when the British took over Palestine from the Turks (Turkey was on the losing side in World War I). It was then that the British with Herzl and others prompting the Balfour Declaration:

"His Majesty's government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

That this decision would not prejudice the civil and religious rights of the Palestine people (who had lived there for thousands of years) was wishful thinking.

Palestine was invaded in 1948 and the local people pushed out of their homes. Some Arabs were paid a little money for their land and homes, but they were made second-class citizen if they stayed. Leon Uris wrote his popular novel "Exodus," about the time of the invasion. I have never understood his title. The word Exodus means "to go out," and the Jews were moving in.

A number of ultra-conservative Christian leaders are of the opinion the 1948 take-over of Palestine is prophesied in the Bible. They see it as the beginning of the end-time. Now, Jesus can return to the earth and set up his perfect kingdom with the Jews back in a new "Israel."

The Israel of Bible times and the modern nation by that name have absolutely nothing in common. God did not return the Jews to Palestine. The British government aided by the United States and the Zionist lobbyist created the political Israel. Without American military aid of billions of dollars every year there would not be an Israel today. (Israel tops the list as receiving the most of our foreign aid to any country.)

Today the West Bank of the Jordan River, west of the Kingdom of Jordan, is home of the Palestine Authority. Then in the tiny Gaza Strip bordered by Egpyt, next to the Mediterranean Sea, is the other Palestine war-like Hamas party.

In 2007 Israel blockaded Gaza. The U.S. government went along while the people continue to suffer. Now, since Hamas began shooting rockets into Israel, killing less than a dozen Israelites. Israel responded with air raids and a bombardment that is more than "an eye for an eye." There is widespread unemployment and poverty in Gaza. Electricity and fuel supplies are limited. Water and Sewage a mess.

Our former president kept saying Israel had a right to protect its people. True, but how about some help for those who had their land and future taken from them in 1948?

There is no solution on the horizon. I wish someone had the wisdom to bring peace to the whole Middle East, but little can be done until the Israeli-Palestine problem is solved. God told old Israel not to trust in the power of Egypt to survive. Today's Israel might consider the same thing regarding America.

One thing is certain, more military action will not bring peace. (Besides huge aid to Israel, the USA sells and exports more arms than any country in the world. Not a hopeful sign for peace.)

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